Sunday, February 22, 2009

23 weeks

Hello again. So I am now 23 weeks. I had my doctors appointment last Thursday. It went well. We heard the heartbeat, he said it was nice and strong. I love hearing the heartbeat and I wish I could just sit there all night long listening to it. Dr. B. said that I gained too much weight, and that I have to start watching what I eat. I gained 10 lbs in one month...YIKES! I have been on a candy kick lately, so now I need to eat healthy. He also said I need to walk more, so I am starting to try to do that. Another area of concern he talked about was my blood type and the blood type of the baby, so the next time I go in I have to get more blood work done to make sure my body isn't attacking the babies blood. That sounded scary, but is fixed with a shot, and apparently it is not that uncommon. I had just never heard of it before. Also my immunity to measles and rubella is low so I cannot be near anyone with a fever/rash. Which may be a challenge because I work with 21 6 years old 1st graders. So please pray for that. I can't believe that our baby bear will be here in 4 months. Derek and I are so ready for this baby to enter our lives. Benjamin is moving a lot now and we can see him kicking. It cracks us up! In church today he was kicking and kicking and Derek and I could not stop laughing. It was fun.
I have been feeling lazy lately and our house is a mess and laundry needs to be done. I feel bad and like I am a bad wife and going to be a bad mommy, but I feel so busy and cleaning is the last thing I want to do when I have an hour between student teaching and work. I have decided to dedicate my next day off to some serious deep cleaning. I can deal with the mess for a while, but then it just gets to me. Usually Derek does most of the cleaning, but he has been so busy with getting the house together, that it is my turn to clean. I just need to get it done!!! Or, maybe I should just hire a maid until school gets out. Ya think Derek will go for that???

Sunday, February 15, 2009

22 weeks

Hello! So I am now 22 weeks. I have been sick for the last couple of weeks, I blame it on my first graders who refuse to cover their mouths while coughing! Oh well, I guess I better get used to it! I had a mild freak out after not getting a good nights rest for the 5th night in a row. I cried I yelled at Derek, I threatened to quit my job and school, but I am better now. Derek wants me to quit my job. But, I have the easiest job ever and I only work around 15 hours a week. So I have decided to just do it until I literally can't. Plus I love the people I work with, so I would miss the relationships. I am fine as long as I DO NOT get sick again. It was miserable. I already am breathing heavier because of being pregnant. Adding not being able to breathe out of my nose was horrible. I was always out of breath and it was not fun. I am still coughing, but besides that I am doing great. I can feel Benjamin pretty much all the time now, which is really cool. Derek felt him last week and thought that was cool. Last night he was able to feel one hard kick and then he could feel him rolling around. he kept say, "dang he is getting big". It was super fun. Derek also likes to remind me of my ever growing belly. Which I love. Being pregnant is amazing and I love the stares and I also the the belly rubs people give. Maybe I will get sick of it, but for now I am loving it. I have my monthly check up this Thursday. I am excited to hear the heartbeat again. I love going to the doctor because it means I am that much closer to meeting my little man!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

20 weeks

That's right I am half way there, which is pretty much crazy. I have been sooo busy lately, which is good because I just want June to get here. I started back at school, my LAST semester. YEAH!I am doing my final student teaching. I am at Fancher Creek which is a Clovis school. I love it there. It is a Title I school and it is the exact kind of school I want to teach at. My master teacher is amazing and supportive!
So enough about that let me tell you what has been going on with Benjamin. He is moving and grooving. I can feel him kick and I can also feel him twisting around. I feel him at least once a day. Last Friday I even was able to place my hand on my belly and I could feel him moving. Of course every time I tell Derek to come feel Benjamin decides to be very still. I feel like my tummy is growing more everyday. I can feel it stretching and I am applying oil like crazy so that I do not get stretch marks. I am still loving being pregnant but growing more anxious to meet Ben. I already love him and I know that feeling will only become more intense when I can see him and be able to hold him. I am also waiting for that moment when Derek gets to hold his son.
My last doctors appointment sucked. We waited for about an hour in the room before Dr.B saw us, apparently there was an emergency so he got a bit behind schedule. It just stinks because our appointments only last 15 minutes, so wait to wait that whole time was not fun. Derek can only look at Women's Home Journal so many times before he starts to get antsy. When he came in we listened to the heart beat :), and then he measured me. After measuring me he said, "are you sure that the tech. said their was only one in there" So yeah, I am still big. I just keep thinking about My Big Fat Greek Wedding when that woman's twin was in her neck, hopefully Ben did not absorb his twin sibling!!! So he said I was measuring big, but we will wait to see when I can start feeling movements to see if we need to move up my due date again. I have begun to realize that due dates do not mean anything and that Ben will enter this World whenever he is ready. So My due date could again be moved up to June 13, which is only about 7 days after I graduate. So I at least hope that he stays in until I am done with school. But if not, I will deal!!!
Derek painted Ben's room, all that is left is to buy decor and to put up the chair rail. I think it looks great! Derek did a wonderful job.