Tuesday, March 30, 2010

9 months old

I cannot believe that my baby boy is 9 months old. Before I know it we will be having his 1st birthday party. I have already started thinking about what theme I want to have at his first birthday. I am thinking dinosaurs or maybe a 4th of July themed birthday party. What do you think??? Ben's doctor's appt. is next week and I am very curious to find out how much he has grown.
Benjamin has recently started this thing where he will NOT lay still while we change his diaper. He tosses and turns, and let me say it can get pretty frustrating. We can't even change him on his changing table anymore because he turns over and can crawl out of him safety strap. What a little booger. I try to say "no" and give him the tiniest little swat, but he just looks at me and laughs. I have a feeling that we are going to have our hands full in a couple of months. I don't really know if it is possible to start disciplining a baby this early, but I say "no" and give a mommy look, but he just smiles and continues doing what he isn't supposed to be doing. I have just been using the method of distraction, which is working okay, but when can you actually discipline??? I am obviously not going to spank him at this age, we really haven't decided if we are going to spank him at all...just wondering what you other moms out there are doing? I just don't want our child to be the child that is out of control and doesn't listen. EMBARASSING!!!
Benjamin also has discovered that he loves to be naked. Which is why I think he wants to crawl away when we are changing him. Sometimes I let him crawl around for a little bit, but I don't want him to pee...or worse poo... all over the carpet. If we were in our house with the wood floors it would be bad, but we aren't so he doesn't crawl around naked too often.
House update: roof is completely finished, gas pipes in, plumbing in, new master closet re-framed, and new master bath re-framed. woooohooo!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I realize that I haven't blogged in a super long time, but I have felt so busy lately. I am now the teacher and director of preschool at Lincoln. It is great because my pay more than doubled and I am still working the same amount of hours, maybe a few more, but I bring home most of the stuff I need to prep for my days so I can be home with Benny Boy. I love my job and it is the perfect amount of time to be gone each day. I am only gone about 4 hours a day, and Ben takes about a 3 hour nap when I am gone so I don't miss much. I give you stay at home moms some props though, I don't think I could stay home everyday, I need that time away. Maybe if I was rich and could go shopping or something, but I'm not so I would be stuck at home....Plus I love teaching!!! It is a blast and good to know all those years in college have paid off.
The roof to our house will be finished this week, yeah! Then it should be pretty fast after that. I hope to be in our house by Ben's birthday, but that may be wishful thinking... We are making a few changes to the house. We are making our master bath bigger and putting in a tub, then we are also making a walk in closet for our bedroom. Then we are making a breakfast bar in our kitchen. I am super excited. It has been nice staying with the family, but we want our house back. While we are so thankful to Derek's family, we need our own space, and I am sure they want their house back.
Ben has changed so much, he has such a personality and is such a ham. He loves to flirt, especially with old ladies at the grocery store... It cracks me up.
Here are some updates for Ben:
-crawling all over the place
-eating anything and everything we put in front of him
-liking formula less and less
-standing up
-walks when we hold his hands
-sings when he plays on his little piano
-and he loves laughing!!!!
Ben goes to the doctor in a couple of weeks so I will post weight and height stuff when I get that info.
Oh and Jenna, I am totally Jealous!!!!! We will be trying in about 6 months for number two. Totally looking forward to growing our family.
To all you mommy bloggers, keep it up, and I will try to be better about it as well. It is so nice to know that I am not alone with what us mommies go through.