Monday, June 22, 2009

39 weeks

So, my ultra sound due date has come on gone... I am really hoping that this week is the week. I am miserable and tired, but I can't sleep. I am having contractions, but nothing that are regular for extended periods of time. At my doctor's appt. last week I was only a fingertip dilated and 70% effaced. I have another appt. tomorrow and I am really hoping that I have made some progress. Today I am very crampy and it feels like I am going to start my who knows maybe that is a sign. My sister tooks pictures of us at Woodward Parka and they turned out great. I can't believe how big my belly is, it's crazy. I finally have stretch marks, but only on the right side beacuse that is the side that Ben is always on... They are not too bad and I am hoping that they fade away after my belly goes back to a normal size. Pray that this week is the week!
Oh, and I got a job teaching preschool for CUSD. It is perfect becsue it is only part time and I am home before Derek has to leave for work so we will not need to find childcare. Such a blessing. I get to teach, and get to stay home with Benji, it is truly perfect!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

38 weeks

So, I am always thinking "it could be any time" but I know in the back of my head that I still have 3 or so more weeks. I am disappointed and feel like Benji will never be here. I will be done working in 3 days (FINALLY!!!) and then my mom will be here on the 17th, so hopefully that will make time go by faster. I know everyone who is or was pregnant has felt the same way I do, so I am trying not to complain. My friend Jenna had her beautiful baby boy, Jax, last week after like 30 HOURS of labor....which has made me start to freak out a little about all of that. I know everything will be okay and I am counting on everyone's prayers to get me through it all.