Sunday, June 7, 2009

38 weeks

So, I am always thinking "it could be any time" but I know in the back of my head that I still have 3 or so more weeks. I am disappointed and feel like Benji will never be here. I will be done working in 3 days (FINALLY!!!) and then my mom will be here on the 17th, so hopefully that will make time go by faster. I know everyone who is or was pregnant has felt the same way I do, so I am trying not to complain. My friend Jenna had her beautiful baby boy, Jax, last week after like 30 HOURS of labor....which has made me start to freak out a little about all of that. I know everything will be okay and I am counting on everyone's prayers to get me through it all.

1 comment:

Kim Becker said...

Hey Mary. Time to update. Don't slack off just because your mom's in town. Your other fans await the news. :-)